Sleep and Environmental Exposures
Description: This study aims to understand sleep behaviors in Black Americans.
Looking for: Individuals who identify as Black, live in Fayette County or surrounding areas, are proficient in English, and have a typical sleep schedule (sleep at night and awake during the day).
How long: Participation in this study requires tracking your sleep for two weeks at home.
What will you be asked to do: Track your sleep at home and visit our lab three times over a two-week period. While at home you will complete morning and nightly diaries daily as well as wear sleep tracking devices. Information about the devices will be provided during the first lab visit. During lab visits, we will ask you to answer questions about your day and complete cognitive tasks on the computer.
How will you be compensated: You will be compensated after each lab visit for all activities completed up to that point as well as for completing the visit. The total compensation for the study is $120. A breakdown of compensation will be provided at your first visit.
Eligible individuals should:
identify as Black,
have a typical sleep schedule (sleep at night, awake during the day),
be proficient in English,
not be pregnant.
Please contact us via the email address provided below for more information.